SST LTRSeptember 30, 2022 - A letter to Mariposa county voters,

I am Judy Burnett, the ex-wife of School Board District 3 Candidate Robert "Bob" Morse. I am also the mother of his two children and the recipient of the child support that has, for some reason, been used to smear his campaign. For this reason, I feel I am uniquely qualified and, to some extent, obligated to speak on some matters that have been brought up. These matters have put his character into question and I cannot in good conscience sit back idly while that happens as I am directly involved

It is true that Bob and I had our differences. We do not see eye-to-eye on many issues, and that is what led to our divorce nearly 30 years ago. It is true that during that time, I sought child support for our two kids and we split 50/50 custody.

He has been an attentive and present father, and my children never wanted for anything while they were growing up. They had everything they needed. In fact, he doted on them, paid for their sports, and he has met ALL financial obligations. These decades old financials that are being brought up now have no relevance to his character, or his ability to rise to any occasion, especially with regards to spending. His successful track record at the districts for which he has worked should speak volumes.

I, myself am not a resident of Mariposa county, but my daughter and grandson do call this area home and if I were in fact, a local, Bob would have my vote. Because not only is he a wonderful grandfather of a kindergartener in your community, he has been financially supportive, far beyond what the records are showing, and is simply the most qualified candidate.


Judy Burnett
Former Spouse of Robert "Bob" Morse