SST LTRWhat a wonderful show of support for our singers, dancers, actors, musicians, and multimedia, culinary, and visual artists at Arts Night 2016! El Portal teacher Gail Dreifus, MES Theresa Kraemer, and the middle school students they brought to perform added an engaging new component to this years' show. Special thanks to guest Adam Burns for participating in a wonderful musical improv performance involving students singing and dancing. All in attendance received a great overview of the fabulous arts education available at MCHS and a great appreciation for the talents of MCHS students led by great instructors including Buzz Arnold, Stephanie Bobman, Pete Bothwell, Rod Fiester, Walt Hebern, Jill Rowney (Chorus Accompanist), and Bryan Starchman. There was a special appearance by the 2016 Sac-Joaquin Section Champion Varsity Grizzly Boy's Basketball Team who gave a shout out of thanks to Mariposa for their support throughout the season and willingness to reschedule Arts Night from the original March 4 date.
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ABC would like to extend an enormous thank you to our Primary Arts Night Sponsor, Sierra Tel, as well as to supporters Yosemite Bank, Delaware North Companies, the Mariposa Gazette, Sierra Sun Times, Savoury's Restaurant, Chocolate Soup, Zorba's Greek Cafe, River Rock Inn, and Casto's Fine Art and Wine. Arts Night could not happen without the support and dedication of MCHS Principal Celeste Azevedo. Last but not least, THANK YOU, MARIPOSA for always supporting local youth in their many and diverse school activities.

Mariposa Academic Boosters Club, Inc. (ABC)