November 21, 2017 - Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement regarding documents received by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and press reports regarding a White House working group exploring nancy pelosioptions to privatize veterans’ health care:
“Just a week ago, our nation observed Veterans Day.  Yet today, we see evidence that the Trump Administration is quietly planning to dismantle veterans’ health care. 
“Despite Secretary Shulkin’s multiple public statements opposing VA privatization, this group within the Administration is working without transparency, without input from Congress, and without the voices of our veterans.  The Koch brothers must not be allowed to realize their goal of dismantling our veterans’ and servicemembers’ health care, forcing them to pay out of pocket for the benefits they have earned with their heroism.
“The VA and Department of Defense must work together to improve the transition to civilian life and access to quality health care.  However, House Democrats will fight tooth and nail against any efforts to diminish or destroy VA’s irreplaceable role as the chief coordinator, advocate and manager of care for veterans.”
Source: Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi