June 17, 2018 - Washington—Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) last Thursday responded to House Republicans’ proposal to roll back protections for unaccompanied minors in exchange for keeping families Dianne Feinsteintogether:

“There is no law that requires a child be taken from a mother’s arms while nursing. This is the Trump administration’s policy. President Trump could put an end to this immoral policy right now.

“If family separation persists, Congress must take a stand and pass our legislation, which now has the support of 40 Democratic senators.

“Further, the crisis created by the administration shouldn’t be used to rewrite my 2002 and 2008 laws that protect unaccompanied minors from prolonged detention and guarantee the right to make their case before an immigration judge.

“We’re not going to make a Sophie’s Choice between the welfare of different groups of children. The United States should not have to choose between keeping nursing babies with their mothers and ensuring minors aren’t incarcerated for months on end.

“We can provide all immigrants who arrive at our border seeking asylum with humane, respectful treatment and return them to their country when necessary. Our country is better than this.”
Source: Senator Dianne Feinstein