SST LTROctober 2, 2022 - My name is Lora Hill.  I am the wife of Robert Hill.  I would like to publicly endorse my husband Robert for Mariposa County School Board Trustee, District 1.  Here is a  little background on my reasoning.  My husband is an absolute great father to our children.  He has always provided for them and has always made sure that they were a priority.  My husband has a love for this community that I don’t even understand.  He works tirelessly on the ambulance for this community as a first responder.  He is the first to volunteer his time and talents when off duty to help our community as a volunteer firefighter for 911 calls at all hours of the day and night, or sitting on the sidelines of all the Bears home football games on an ambulance. In a disaster he is the first to open our property to displaced large livestock animals, and uses his amazing barbecuing skills to make meals for displaced families. 

With that being said, that is proof that my husband will not give up on any child. He will make sure every child will have a safe education and will protect them.  With his children attending the district, he is very involved with them and the schools.  He is very involved with their mental health and well-being.  And you can be sure that if he is looking after his children the way he does, yours will be taken care of as well.

He Graduated from the High School here and always talks about how wonderful it was back then.  All he wants is for you as parents to know that he will take care of your children as if they were his own.  He will make sure the bullying comes to an end.  He will fight the drug and alcohol issues at school which occurs more frequently than you would ever know.  He will protect your child.

I endorse Robert Hill for Mariposa County School Board District 1.  You can be sure that your child will be safe and your voice as a parent will be heard.

Lora Hill
Midpines, CA