January 6, 2018 - SACRAMENTO – A bill to prevent the state from using tax dollars intended to improve California’s roadways to pay off billions of dollars in bond debt will be heard in the Assembly Transportation Committee on Monday, January 8.

patterson jim california assemblyman fresnoAssemblyman Jim Patterson (R-Fresno) authored AB 65 to stop taxes and fees collected in the State Highway Account collected to repair the state’s crumbling streets, highways and roads from being used to pay Prop 1A bond debt.

The principal and interest payments will cost taxpayers $19.5 billion over the next 30 years, a figure omitted by the High Speed Rail Authority in every report but confirmed by the Legislative Analyst’s Office.

This bill was held over by the committee from last year’s session and this will be its first hearing.

WHEN: Monday, January 8 at 2:30pm

WHERE: Assembly Transportation Committee - Room 4202
Source: Assemblyman Jim Patterson