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July 18, 2017 - SACRAMENTO – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Monday expressed his strong opposition to the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) proposal to repeal net neutrality rules, which allow xavier becerra california attorney generalconsumers to access online content without interference or manipulation by an internet service provider (ISP). If the rules were to be repealed, an ISP could force web content providers to pay fees for faster internet speeds, limiting consumers’ ability to access the internet content of their choice. Attorney General Becerra and 12 attorneys general joined together to make clear in comments to the FCC that doing away with the net neutrality rules would be unwarranted. 

“I vigorously oppose the FCC’s attempt to gut the net neutrality rules,” said Attorney General Becerra. “All consumers should have free, open and equal access to the internet. When internet service providers dictate the speed at which websites load, no one benefits but internet service providers. As the Attorney General of California, a state that’s home to countless start-ups and technology giants alike, I know that net neutrality rules represent freedom and opportunity, innovation and fairness. I urge the FCC to do what’s right and keep the net neutrality rules in place.”

The FCC enacted net neutrality rules in 2015. Known officially as the 2015 Open Internet Order, they were subsequently affirmed by the District of Columbia Circuit Court in 2016 in United States Telecom Association v. Federal Communications Commission.

When he assumed office, Attorney General Becerra made protecting consumers a top priority. In addition to today’s action, he recently called on the FCC to block robocalls made from fake or “spoofed” caller ID numbers. He also announced a $33 million multi-state settlement with Johnson and Johnson for marketing over-the-counter medicines that failed to meet quality standards; a multi-state settlement with Western Union for wire fraud scams; and a record $18.5 million multi-state settlement with Target over data security failures that contributed to the compromise of 40 million customers' payment card information during the 2013 holiday season, among other actions. 

Attorneys General Comments on Docket No. 17-108.pdf
Source: CA. DOJ